
Top Tips When Studying In A Student House

Top Tips When Studying In A Student House
Student House

What Is It Like To Live In A Student House?

Moving out of university halls after the first year into a student house can be very different and sometimes daunting for many reasons; you may be living with course mates, your social life may change and you may even have a kitchen table. Location is very important and here at Prem-Lets we have numerous student lettings throughout Newcastle, including Jesmond, Sandyford and Heaton, the most popular areas for student living. You will likely be living with different people from your first year, who might have different schedules to you, which can therefore make studying tough.

Studying In A Student House Tips:

Living in a student house can often be very hectic at times and therefore makes the ability to study effectively difficult. You can spend hours doing tedious work when studying at home and not actually produce anything to the standard you want despite all the online resources available to students. So to help you with this we’ve created a list of studying tips in a student house, which will allow you to perform at your best all the time:

Create A Space For A Study Session

This might sound obvious, but having a different place for studying whilst living in a student house is essential. Although your bed is comfy and it’s warm being under the duvet in your bed, this is not the most productive environment to work in as it’s easy to get distracted. A desk or table is a much better place to work, especially a tidy one, as it provides a setting where you can get in the right, productive mindset to focus for a few hours. A comfy chair and good lighting will also help to create and establish the perfect study space.  You always want to be away from friends with less distractions and fully establish a quiet space away from the rest of your house so that you are fully focused on your university course.

Get Prepared At Your Own Pace

Similar to having a separate space for studying, getting prepared to work will help you immensely as it creates the right atmosphere for studying effectively. Getting changed so you’re not in pyjamas all day is the first thing to do and having a shower before you start can help wake you up and get the day going. Having breakfast or lunch at your dining table before is also a good idea, as it will fuel you through your work and it allows you to concentrate more if you’re not eating throughout. Save the snacks as a reward for when you’re finished or to have in your breaks to keep you going.

Make A Timetable

Another of our studying tips is making a timetable of all the work you’re going to do. This is a great way to track how much time you’ve already spent on each subject, ensuring you can use your time effectively by distributing it to the areas that need it the most. It also means you won’t spend too long on your favourite topic and not give any time to the ones you’re dreading, which will probably need it the most! You can find templates online which are free to use so it shouldn’t take too long to create either.

Avoid Distractions

A student house is often bustling with activity as people come and go throughout the day for lectures, socials or just visiting friends, and this can create a lot of distractions. Finding the environment which works best for you is key, whether it’s alone in a quiet room with the door shut or listening to music through headphones as this can drown out background noise. Having your phone next to you whilst studying is not a good idea if you’re a person who gets easily distracted. Turning it off and putting it in a cupboard or drawer is a good way to solve this as you’re less likely to be tempted if it’s on the other side of the room.

Take Breaks

Taking breaks is key when studying, whether it is in a student house or library as you can only perform at your optimum for a limited period of time. Factoring them into the timetable is a good idea as this ensures you don’t take too many and can provide structure to your studying. It also gives you a time limit to your break so you can remain on schedule. Getting outside for some fresh air during your break will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to work again, however, if you’d rather watch an episode of your favourite series on Netflix then that’s great too!

Interested In Studying In A Student House?

If you’re interested in living in a student house, contact us at Prem-Lets to check out some of our student lettings across Newcastle!

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